If you are having difficulty paying your electricity bill, we may be able to help.
We understand that, sometimes, it’s hard to make ends meet. That’s why Greater Sudbury Hydro and the Ontario Energy Board offer a variety of programs to help you pay your electricity bill.
Learn more about energy-related financial assistance programs below.
For information on other programs which may be available, visit 211Ontario.ca or dial 211.

Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)
Upon qualifying, the Ontario Electricity Support Program can reduce the electricity bills of low-income customers with an on-bill credit.

Energy Affordability Program (EAP)
The Energy Affordability Program (EAP) provides support to income-eligible electricity consumers by helping them to lower their monthly electricity costs and increase their home comfort.

Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
Emergency financial assistance – This program provides a one-time grant towards your electricity or natural gas bill if you are temporarily unable to make ends meet in an emergency situation.
Centre de Santé Communautaire du Grand Sudbury is your first contact for the LEAP program.
19 Frood Road, Sudbury, ON P3C 4Y9
We will always work with you to figure out a payment plan that is realistic and makes sense for you:
- Qualified low-income customers are not required to provide or maintain a security deposit.
- Arrears Payment Agreements (APA) are available. These Agreements allow eligible customers more time to pay outstanding balances in order to avoid disconnection.
When your bill is overdue, we will first send you a Reminder Notice. If the bill remains unpaid, you will then receive a Disconnection Notice. Prior to disconnection, our automated phone system will contact the phone number on your account as a Final Notice of impending disconnection.
It is the responsibility of each Account Holder to ensure the contact information on the account is current. We urge our customers to contact us before they reach the disconnection point. We routinely work with people to help set up payment plans, make other arrangements, or access financial assistance.